Here's the reality check: I've got a five-year old daughter, so unless somebody around here starts crafting plastic My Little Ponies, complete with the little heart stamps on the ass, I'm definitely gonna have to buy a certain amount of plastic crap from China in the next couple of weeks. And I accept that. I accept it in the way that I accept that my car runs on gasoline and not good vibes and pixie dust. However, having been self-employed for the better part of 20 years now, I know first-hand what a huge impact it makes when people make a conscious decision to redirect even a portion of their spending toward the talented folks in their own community. I'm grateful to those who have supported me and my work over the years, and that prompts me to get all circle of life-y and do what I can to support and promote some of the people in our town who make awesome stuff. In the end, that is the real function of this blog: to celebrate the handmade & homegrown, and because I want to live in a place with those kind of values, writing is one of the ways that I live those values.
To create a nice, orderly list, I used Etsy. I used to have mixed feelings about Etsy, but its growing on me, especially the feature that allows you to search by area. Convenient? Yeah. Wherever you live, you can buy local without getting out of your pj's. As it is currently 7 degrees out in Salt Lake, this works for me.
Anyway, here's a quick run-down of some of the artists & artisans that I've got my eye on around here. Just click on the image for more info.
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